Why Should you Apply to be a Partnered Organizer?
Get the most out of your events.

Gem Codes

Partners and above can apply for Magic: The Gathering Arena gem codes as additional prizing for winners of their events.

Tournament Brackets

Partners have access to Single Eliminations, Double Elimination, and Swiss Brackets.

Event Crowdfunding

Organizers can receive event contributions or sell items to fundraise.

Event Payouts

Secure and transparent payouts to winners which can be withdrawn through PayPal or to a bank account, tax compliant!

Tournament Overlay

Events have their own overlay that can be used with streaming software to display the prize pool, contribution alerts, or tournament information automatically.

Charity Events

Organizers can partner their events with a charity and raise money for that charity without fees.

Partnered Tournament Organizer Guidelines

What is this program?

Getting Started

Organizer Expectations


Event Prizing

What is this program?

Welcome to the Magic: The Gathering Arena Partner Program! This program, in partnership with Wizards of the Coast, enables organizers to run events using Matcherino’s suite of tools - like our crowdfunding and prize payout capabilities - as well as offer in-game Gems to their players.

Welcome to the Partner Application Portal

Before you can start organizing events you need to be approved as a partnered organizer.

Fill out the Application on the left to get approved!

As an organizer you will be able create events and use all of the platforms features.

Once you run a few events you can apply to be a tier 2 partner and receive bonus Magic: The Gathering Arena gem code prizing for winners of your events!

Organizers List
ActivityAll Partnership (Latest)